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Writer's pictureLeila McKail



This meditation is a way of aligning yourself with the frequency of abundance and prosperity, as it opens our heart and adjusts the magnetic field around our heart. As well, it strengthens our nervous system and life force. This allows us to move through any situation with grace & ease.  This meditation’s primary effect is that it brightens your halo and builds the aura to bring prosperity. It was first taught it February 19, 1996.


Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight, chest out, chin in.

Mudra Hands are in Gyan Mudra, remaining three fingers extended.

Movement The hands move in alternating circles. The mudra circles from heart-level below, rising up in front of the face, palm facing out, continuing above the head and then swinging out and back to the side. The circle is smooth, evenly-paced, and in time with the mantra. Depending upon the person, the mudra, wrist, or outer forearm can be the part passing in front of the face. That part then extends up and back to move over the crown of the head.

Mantra Sing or play Satnam Satnam Waheguru Waheguru Chant along with the music. Sing from the navel point, clear and strong.

Last 30 Seconds Move the arms as fast as possible for the last 10 seconds.

To End Inhale and stretch the arms straight over the head. Hold the breath for 10 seconds, stretching your spine all the way, stretch more. Exhale. Inhale again, stretch the arms straightly the side of the ears. Hold the breath for 15 seconds, inhale once more, all the way up. Turn and twist the body left and right seven time. Exhale and relax.

Time 11 minutes a day, it can be done twice a day, in the morning and evening.


This meditation is fantastic for healing. It helps the heart and joints. It lowers stored anger. It increases intuition. In 120 days of steady practice, you will change and your capacity to realize change changes.

Its primary effect is that it brightens your halo. It builds the aura. It activates the arc line, which taps the knowledge from the aura and akasha. That is why arc line is called the seal of knowledge. Life becomes different. You realize your reality and much prosperity runs to you. Your radiance and presence communicates and elevates your life. As a personal practice, do it regularly for 120 days.

Gyan Chakra Kriya Meditation is one of the most sacred kriyas in Kundalini Yoga. It was practiced so miracles could happen. There is a story associated with it:

Over 2,000 years ago, Rishi Anand saw with his intuitive eye that a great weather shift and famine would strike the country and create much hardship and death. He asked all the monks in his ashram to practice this every day, selflessly. After three years, the famine struck hard. The monks had attracted opportunity, wealth and prosperity and had stored a lot of food. So, they opened free kitchens and distributed their food and brought more in from great distances. They saved humanity for two full years until the effects of the famine had passed.

“It’s called Gyan Chakra Kriya.  In the science of yoga, it is the most sacred kriya of the yogis, who can produce miracles.  The mantra is the Adi Mantra and Tresha Guru Mantra of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, so I am just explaining the context of it.  So you can enjoy it and feel good about me– when you become prosperous and rich, call me.” “If your psyche and your halo is there, this exercise shall give you your halo as it should be; more you do it, more fast you will be you. Opportunities will come to you, you don’t have to chase after them. Am I clear?”

“This will get for you all what you need in the planet and what your longitude and latitude. You will have altitude and attitude of prosperity. Height. It will give you height. And you will see better, you can see bigger, you can think bigger, you can think best. All will come to you.”

“Specifically, the arm movements stimulate the radiance of our halo, expand the brilliant projection of our aura. This kriya adjusts our life force, so that we can move through any intense situation with grace and creativity. Abundance is drawn in like a magnet.”

Benefits of Gyan Chakra Kriya

  • Strengthens Immunity

  • Activates the arcline

  • Enhances intuition

  • Strengthens & expands your aura

  • Strengthens the magnetic field around your heart

  • Strengthens the nervous system

  • Activates your pituitary gland

  • Shifts your frequency to a frequency of expansion 

  • Ushers in opportunities

  • Brightens your halo 

  • Magnetises you to prosperity consciousness

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